




Bush Criticizes Kerry's Agenda for Supposed $2 Trillion Price Tag, but Bush's Agenda Will Cost $3 Trillion

If it weren't for hypocrisy, Bush wouldn't have any values at all. He's been going around claiming that Kerry's policy proposals will cost two trillion dollars, and that's way too much for the taxpayers to bear. But all the promises Bush made in his convention speech will cost THREE trillion dollars. But the real difference in the their agendas isn't just the total dollars: Kerry will make the billionaires share the cost, while Bush will shift even more of the cost away from his buddies and onto the middle class.

Is It 'Honor and Integrity' to Condone Libel?

Detroit Free Press columnist Brian Dickerson asks why Bush, with his absolutist moral values, isn't denouncing the Swift Boat Veterans for telling lies. "Does he believe that slander is an evil that debases the political process itself? Or does he make a practical distinction between slander campaigns that boost his re-election effort and those that abet his opponent's?" Those are very good questions, which can be boiled down to "Is George W. Bush really a moral person, or is he the biggest hypocrite in history?" Consider that Bush's "criticism" of the Swift Boat Veterans ad didn't denounce the content, only complained about soft-money advertising. We report, you decide.

Bush Slashes Aids to Migrant Children, Trumps up new 'Evidence' that Saddam had WMDs

These back to back news snippets at Boston.com are classic "Bush administration." In the first story, we have: "Funding is being eliminated for a federal program that pays the children of migrant workers across the country to stay in school instead of working in fields. The Dept of Labor program pays some young people minimum wage to stay in school while migrating with their parents, who travel across the country looking for seasonal farm work." Next up we have: "An upcoming report will contain ''a good deal of new information" backing up the Bush administration's contention that Saddam Hussein pursued weapons of mass destruction, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, [and prominent Bush apologist] John Warner of Virginia, said yesterday."

Ron Suskind: Bush's Press Conferences Too Scripted

"Ron Suskind, author of the recent controversial book on former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, and Michael Barone, senior writer for the U.S. News & World Report, argued politics in a heated discussion as part of the Annenberg series 'Dean's Open Forum,' on Thursday. The forum was hosted by Geoffrey Cowan, dean of the Annenberg School for Communication, and featured an open discussion about the possible outcomes of the upcoming presidential election and the current policies of the Bush administration, including the handling of the press and the war in Iraq. One of Suskind's most severe critiques of Bush was not only Bush's lack of press conferences but also his management of those conferences. For each press conference, the White House press secretary asks the reporters for their questions, selects six or seven of the questions to answer and those reporters are the only ones called upon to ask their questions during the press conference, Suskind said."

Laura Bush Becomes Instant 'Restoration Gardener' to Legitimize Bush's Anti-Environment Policies

NPR (National Propaganda Radio) has a puff piece on Laura Bush so gooey Karl Rove and Laura's mother could've written it. It is propaganda with a purpose: to deflect criticism of Bush's anti-environmentalism and revelations that the Bush ranch was a phony set bought in 2000. The new spin: it's a "restoration ranch" devoted to preserving native plants and birds. We are to believe Laura is a seasoned gardener - a woman described up until 2002 as spending most of her time reading, smoking and watching George & pals. When asked if she could name the species she's growing, Laura pretended to be "shy" and said she leaves that to the gardener. Meanwhile, as Laura "restores" 1,600 acres, her husband's policies are promoting the total destruction of MILLIONS of US wildland acres.

Bush: Six Impossible Things, All Before Breakfast

Don Williams writes: "About half of all Americans still embrace the many surreal policies of Bush/ Cheney, and a recent morning - as this is written - it occurred to me how they do it. Like the queen in 'Alice in Wonder-land,' they've perfected the art of believing six impossible things before breakfast. To refresh your memory of the Lewis Carroll classic, here's an excerpt: 'Alice laughed, 'There's no use trying,' she said, 'one can't believe impossible things.' 'I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.' I decided to give it a try. Here they are, six impossible things before breakfast."

A Chinese Man Seeks the Trademark for 'Bushi' Disposable Diapers

AFP: "A Beijing businessman has filed an application to trademark the Chinese name of US President George W. Bush to help market his disposable nappies. The applicant, surnamed Guo, filed an application with the General Administration for Industry and Commerce of China, stating he wants to use the two-character phrase 'Bushi' as a trademark, the Beijing News reported. 'I hit upon the idea by chance,' said Guo. 'Back in my hometown in Henan province, the pronunciation of "Bushi" sounds exactly like "not wet".' Government officials are not amused."

With Russert's Help, Bush to Lie about His Record on TV

"Bush suggested to his staff that he appear on 'Meet the Press' on Sunday as a way of answering questions about Iraq after a barrage of Democratic criticism against him, a White House official said yesterday. ...Adam Levine, a former White House aide who portrayed Russert in mock sessions with administration officials, said: 'There are times for the White House when it makes sense to do a big, high-profile, difficult interview... 'The biggest challenge is trying to distill everything down to an hour,' said Russert, who will tape the session at the White House on Saturday." What will Russert leave out?

Grab Your Remotes! Bush on Meet the Press Sunday

Atrios writes, "Bush on Pumpkinhead Sunday. Full hour. I guarantee this will go down in history as the worst moment in American journalism. Russert got his gig after delivering a fluffer to Bush I."

It Figures: KB Toys, Maker of Bush Elite Aviator Doll, Files for Bankruptcy Protection

"KB Toys Inc. became the second major casualty of this past holiday's toy price wars, filing Wednesday for bankruptcy protection and announcing it will close up to 500 stores and cut its work force. The privately held retailer with about 1,300 stores, mostly in shopping malls, blamed heavy price cutting by giant discounters, primarily Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which began reducing prices on hot toys like Hokey Pokey Elmo in October, several weeks earlier than in the past. Last month, KB Toys informed suppliers it was slowing down payments amid sluggish sales. 'It was brutal,' said Michael Glazer, KB Toys' CEO, noting that sales were down double digits this past holiday season. 'It was disruptive in many ways.'" Serves you right -- putting out a toy of mawkish propaganda like the Bush Aviator Doll -- for the sake of brainwashing young children to love their AWOL Resident. But anything to do with Bush goes bust, unless his Daddy's friends bail it out. Now it's KB Toys, and the US Budget.

For Idiot Bush, There's No 'Difference' Between Reality and the Remotest Possibility!

Richard W. Stevenson elaborates on the 'import' of the following exchange between Diane Sawyer and George W. Bush: "Diane Sawyer: But stated as a hard fact, that there were weapons of mass destruction as opposed to the possibility that he could move to acquire those weapons still -- Resident Bush: So what's the difference?" Stevenson writes: "To critics of the war, there is a big difference. They say that the administration's statements that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons that it could use on the battlefield or turn over to terrorists added an urgency to the case for immediate military action that would have been lacking if Mr. Hussein were portrayed as just developing the banned weapons... Where once Mr. Bush and his top officials asserted unambiguously that Mr. Hussein had the weapons at the ready, their statements now are often far more couched, reflecting the fact that no weapons have been found -- 'yet,' as Mr. Bush was quick to interject during the interview."

Let's Play ''What's the Difference?''!!!

The Democrats.com Community has a new game based on this enlightening exchange between Diane Sawyer and Resident Bush. Hey America, it's time...to...play... "WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?"!!!

DIANE SAWYER: But stated as a hard fact, that there were weapons of mass destruction as opposed to the possibility that he could move to acquire those weapons still --

RESIDENT BUSH: So what's the difference?

Uh, okay....Soooo.......

You won the lottery as opposed to the possibility that you could win the lottery?

"What's the Difference?"

Jennifer Connelly loves you as opposed to the possibility that Jennifer Connelly might one day love you?

"What's the Difference?"

Join in the fun! Add your own "What's the Difference?" challenges to all logic and common sense!

Stuffing the Turkey

From Counterspin: "Let's see. Remember all those 'Hoo! Ha's!' and 'Whoops!' President yellow stain got from our troops when he visited Iraq for 2 hours? Let's see...was that because they were all handpicked, screened troops? Hmmm...could be? 'Imagine [my soldiers'] dismay when they walked 15 minutes to the Bob Hope Dining Facility, only to find that they were turned away from their evening meal because they were in the wrong unit . . .' And there's more from Stars and Stripes: 'For security reasons, only those pre-selected got into the facility during Bush's visit... In his letter, Russell acknowledges that his soldiers were told they could return later for their meals, and chose not to. 'Regardless, my soldiers chose to complain amongst themselves and eat MREs, even after the chow hall was reopened for 'usual business'... Guess who prepared the holiday meals for the troops? Yup...Halliburton subsidiary, Kellog, Brown & Root."

Was Bush's Turkey Trip to Baghdad Aimed at Hillary Clinton?

Harvey Wasserman writes: "Bush's Turkey Trot may have been aimed in part at upstaging New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who arrived in Baghdad the next day. Clinton and Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed visited Afghanistan before coming to Baghdad. ''I wanted to come to Iraq to let the troops know about the great job they're doing,'' said the former First Lady. Clinton voted for the Congressional resolution used by the Administration to attack Iraq. She now says she is 'a big believer that we ought to internationalize this' and bring in the United Nations. But that 'will take a big change in our administration's thinking' and 'I don't see that it's forthcoming.' Reed voted against the war's authorization. He says his November visit---he also came in June---re-confirmed his opposition. United Nations weapons inspectors should have been given more time to disarm Iraq, he says."

Rove's Air Force One Story is Changing...

Newsday reports: "The White House has changed one aspect of its account of ... George W. Bush's surprise Thanksgiving visit to Baghdad: the spotting of Air Force One by a British Airways pilot. Initially, according to accounts by [Karl Rove embedded] journalists on the trip, White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett said the British pilot had radioed, 'Did I just see Air Force One?' and that the pilot of Air Force One had replied, 'Gulfstream Five,' a much smaller aircraft. Yesterday, after British Airways had denied that account, the White House said the radio conversation actually took place between the British pilot and the control tower in London. The tower's response was apparently based on false flight plan information given to protect the secrecy of the trip." Likely story...say it was all about 'protecting secrecy' or 'national security'... rather than a Karl Rove-scripted PR stunt...

'It Was Really Only BIAP': Our Translation: 'Bush Invertebrate AWOL Publicity'

"The grimaces on these young American faces speak volumes, however monosyllabic their words may be. Turkey Day has come and gone, and that whisper of a visit from President George W. Bush barely echoes now in the ears of his troops in Iraq. A young corporal named Bourgeois corrected a reporter yesterday when asked whether the president's dramatic night-time foray brought any kind of levity to his personal slog in Baghdad, now a stale seven months old. The first answer, an embittered, dirty look. Then, grudgingly, to fill the dragging silence: 'They said he came to Baghdad, but it was really only BIAP.' (Translation: Baghdad International Airport, in army-speak.) Bourgeois' final thought on the matter: Neither he nor anyone else in his unit would have gone anywhere near Bush had they known of his visit, which they didn't, and had they been enjoying a rare day off, which they weren't. 'I would have been somewhere else,' he said. 'Sounds like a pretty high-profile target to me.'"

Bush's Baghdad Turkey was for Looking, Not for Eating

Washington Post writes, "In the most widely published image from his Thanksgiving day trip to Baghdad, the beaming president is wearing an Army workout jacket and surrounded by soldiers as he cradles a huge platter laden with a golden-brown turkey. The bird is so perfect it looks as if it came from a food magazine, with bunches of grapes and other trimmings completing a Norman Rockwell image that evokes bounty and security in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. But as a small sign of the many ways the White House maximized the impact of the 2 1/2-hour stop at the Baghdad airport, administration officials said yesterday that Bush picked up a decoration, not a serving plate." More Bushit for a photo op!

More Rovean Bushit -- Turns Out al-Douri was NOT Captured

"U.S. troops north of the capital arrested at least 20 insurgents in a raid while workers began demolishing gigantic bronze busts of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on Tuesday... However, the U.S. troops failed to catch the target of the raid -- Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, considered a key planner of attacks against U.S. troops... Iraqi police [on the US Chalabi payroll] said U.S. troops had captured more than 100 people, including a senior former member of Saddam's elite Republican Guard [Really? Who? Trying to make up for the fact that the al-Douri capture was a Karl Rove lie?]... Earlier, a member of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council [at Rove and Chalabi's behest] had said al-Douri had been caught... MacDonald said the confusion stemmed from local officials' statements that linked the raids to the hunt for al-Douri." Yeah, sure, right... Oh well, at least Rove got those glorious bogus headlines out there, especially on Fox News... followed by a sheepish, downplayed retraction.

Who was the Pilot that Spotted Air Force One? British Airways Doesn't Know!

It's starting to look like another Rove Propaganda tale. "One of the most suspenseful moments during ... George W. Bush's secret flight to Baghdad, according to the White House, came when a British Airways pilot spotted Air Force One soaring over the Atlantic. The mid-air encounter, which aides say nearly prompted the president to call off the trip, became an instant news sensation, memorialized by tourist pins which went on sale at a store in Crawford within hours of Bush's return to his Texas ranch. But days after the sighting, the identity of the pilot remains a mystery, even to British Airways. An airline spokeswoman said this weekend that no crew member had come forward to report the unusual encounter, as is standard practice." Air Force One sure has been used for Karl Rove's Bushit... the bogus Clinton 'vandalism' story.... Bush fleeing on 9/11 because of fabricated threats against AF1... and now this...

'Foiled' Missile Smuggling Plot Turns out to be a US Government Set-up; Missile was a Fake Mock-up

"Administration officials are leaving out key facts and exaggerating the significance of the alleged plot to smuggle a shoulder-launched missile into the United States, law enforcement officials told ABC News. They say there's a lot less than meets the eye... U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie called Lakhani an ally of terrorists who want to kill Americans... But what he did not say was just how much of the alleged missile plot was a government setup from start to finish. For example, Lakhani had no contacts in Russia to buy the missiles before the sting and had no known criminal record for arms dealing, officials told ABC News... an informant seeking lenient treatment on federal drug charges... was the first person who led the government to Lakhani. The missile shipped into the New York area last month was not a real missile -- just a mockup -- also arranged entirely by the government. The government also arranged the meetings at a New Jersey hotel and elsewhere." Bunch of Bushit!

Were Socks Stuffed into the Top Goon's Pants?

Frank Rich writes: "Though the Secret Service wouldn't let the resident go through with his plan to fly 'one of the sexier fighter jets,' according to CBS News, his arrival in a four-seat S-3 was more than sexy enough. He emerged from the cockpit draped in more combat gear than a Tom Cruise stunt double. On 'Saturday Night Live,' Tina Fey subjected the photographic record of his getup to close scrutiny and wondered if he had stuffed 'socks down the front of the jump suit.' Washington's drama critics certainly acted as if he did. The dean of the capital's press corps, David Broder, was aglow over what he called the resident's 'physical posture,' telling Tim Russert that 'this president has learned how to move in a way that just conveys a great sense of authority and command.'"

Buy Duct Tape -- Be Safe From Terrorists and Reward a GOP Campaign Contributor

Washington Post columnist Al Kamen reports, "nearly half -- 46 percent to be precise -- of the duct tape sold in this country is manufactured by a company in Avon, Ohio. And the founder of that company, that would be Jack Kahl [no known relation to Ted K., the Dems. com newsletter editor], gave how much to the Republican National Committee and other GOP committees in the 2000 election cycle? Would that be more than $100,000?" And here you thought all that talk about how duct tape could protect us from terrorists was completely pointless. As with everything the Busheviks do, to understand why they're doing it you, you just have to follow the money.

Office of Disinformation Strikes Again: When Will The Media Realize That MANY People Oppose This War?

James Gordon Meek from the Daily News writes, "Iraq sent spies from Canada to New York and Washington this month to snoop and stir up anti-war demonstrations, according to a government report obtained by the Daily News... The Iraqi Embassy in Ottawa sent operatives to New York and Washington with instructions to 'intensify spying activities and to carry out anti-U.S. demonstrations to stop a war against Iraq' the report said." Millions upon millions of people are protesting the handling of Iraq by this administration in our country right now, and we can assure you that this is NOT lead by Iraqi spies. Looks like the office of disinformation and lies strikes again.

Listen to Meria Heller's Show for Her Take on Bush's State of Dis(sed)Union plus the News

"Here's my take on the State of the Union speech by Bushspeak. Lots of words, promises and rhetoric without any SUBSTANCE or MONEY behind any of it. Is he starting to resemble an elf, or is it my imagination? Review of '25th Hour' by Spike Lee included too. In the real state of the Union: Washington's projected budget DEFICIT of $199 BILLION this year, and $145 BILLION next year, without tax cuts for the rich or the WAR in Iraq (multiply by 100); $15 billion pledged to Africa (where will it come from?); Mexico wants the U.S. out of Mexico and Texas back to Tejas; Organ transplants, diseases and allergies too; More bankruptcies in 2003; 180 Million JOBLESS worldwide (thanks WTO); France wants proof on Iraq from the U.S.; Enough plutonium for 25 NUKES missing in Japan; North Korea prepares for U.S. invasion; Globe and Mail: 'Mr. Bush's presidential oratory is a vocabulary that often seems to have been lifted from comic books or classic western movies.'"

(un)Clear and (un)Present Danger?

Michael Rectenwald writes: "In commemoration of Thomas Paine's Birthday (January 29) And so we have it, the mythological warfare. The imagery of such myth dwarfs all others. The economy is quotidian, ordinary, and mundane by comparison. The secular, mundane world becomes not only trifling, but those concerned with it, somewhat tainted. They are tainted by material concerns, even selfish desires. The economy is small scale compared to the celestial battles fought in the theatre of God's wars. There lies a greater economy, where the losses and gains are tabulated in sums of 'Providence,' 'freedom' and 'democracy.' Of course, there are those of us who see in this rhetoric a magical metaphor of exchange, where values are secretly swapped, inverted in fact."

Radio Left Will Cover Bush's Sorry-Assed State of the Union Address

Tonight hear Radio Left's Mystery Science Theater coverage of Bush's shaking (not stirring) oratory. "Bush tells us he's doing just fine. Declares war on more countries. Ms. Terri joins David [Taffet] and Geoff [Staples] for the color commentary." The show will start at 9pm ET, 8 pm CT, 6 pm PT, 2 am GMT.

Bush Breaks Treaty and Abandons Ally in Favor of Communist Dictatorship

Yesterday, Bush endorsed a one China policy. CNN writes, "Bush was pressed to say he does not support independence for Taiwan, a renegade province. In the more free-wheeling early days of his presidency, Bush once that he would do 'whatever it took to help Taiwan defend herself' in the event of a Chinese attack." On 4/25/01, Bush made a statement saying that the US would protect Taiwan if attacked by China. Is this another shift in his policy or was he just lying in the past? Why isn't the media reporting that Bush is illegally breaking another treaty, the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 stating that the US is obligated to protect Taiwan? Why is Bush making deals with this communist dictator? Imagine what the GOP would say if Bill Clinton did this!

Bush Tricks Univ. of Tenn's Band Into Playing at Fundraiser: The School Picks Up the Tab.

Tom Humphrey from the News-Sentinel writes, "The University of Tennessee is paying the cost for the UT band's performance at Bush's political rally...The trip was officially billed as a political event by the White House. Tom Ballard, VP for public and governmental relations, said 'the band was asked to attend an official welcoming of the president of the United States to Knoxville.' UT has always provided the band for 'an official event' and understood that to be the case Tuesday. Craig Griffith made the request to Phil Scheurer, VP for operations, on behalf of Mayor Victor Ashe, he said. 'We clearly would not have sent the band to a fund-raising event,' Scheurer said." Yes that's right, the taxpayers of Tennessee and the students ended up paying for Bush's campaign visit. As a recap: Bush got free National TV time supporting the GHP candidate even though he tricked the media into showing this, and he made UT pay for the band to play. Bush has no shame or integrity!

Internet Rumors That Should Be Stopped- Ollie North Saying Bin Laden was a threat in 1987 and Al Gore Laughed, and Bill Clinton Helped Free Mohammed Atta in 1993

There has been a chain email going around saying that Ollie North put a security system around his house in 1987 fearing bin Laden and that Al Gore laughed at him when Gore asked about this. There is another one saying that Bill Clinton freed Mohammed Atta in the Oslo Agreement in 1993. Ollie North came out to say this statement about bin Laden was untrue - his nemesis was Abu Nidal, who recently died - and as we know now, bin Laden worked with the CIA in the 1980's (search for "North"). With regards to the Bill Clinton rumor, this also turned out to be false, though a Palestinian with a similar name was released, it was a different person (search for "Mahmoud Atta"). When will these people stop lying about Clinton and Gore!

Senate Republicans Dishonor 9-11 Victims by Lying About Paul Wellstone - and Democrats.com

On a day when George W. Bush is placing memorial wreaths at the 9-11 crash scenes, you might think the Republican Party would have better things to do than to lie about Democrats. If so, you misunderestimate Bush's hate-filled Republican Party BIG TIME. On 9-11, the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent a mass e-mail accusing Democrats.com of publishing a photo caption contest on 9-11 - which is a lie, because the contest was posted months ago. They implied that Senator Paul Wellstone chose to run a campaign ad on this contest page - another lie. On 9-11, Democrats.com mourns the deaths of 3,025 innocent victims of terrorism, and we rededicate ourselves to fighting for democracy and freedom. E-mail NRSC chair Senator Bill Frist (cmichau@listserv.nrsc.org) and tell him to apologize for lying on 9-11!

'Duck and Cover' – Political Lessons from the Early Atomic Age that are Relevant Today!

"As I have watched George W. Bush's public over-reactions to the World Trade Center tragedy during the last ten months, I have often been deeply disturbed by his speeches and the resulting CLAMP DOWN actions on the civil liberties of the American people and the increased American militancy on the world stage. I couldn't quite put my finger on why it was upsetting me so greatly to the point of a sense of hopelessness. I had a visceral bodily reaction every time I heard Bush speak and I couldn't quite figure out why I felt sick to my stomach while listening to him. The sick feeling was rooted much deeper in my baby boom psyche than my disagreeing with Bush politically, which I certainly do. Last night at two a.m while watching the PBS documentary I saw the entire scheme, propaganda, and methodology of the American government in my formative years of the early atomic age- there it was- my answer!" So writes Ray Berry at Bush-Toons.com.

BUSHIT! GOP Propaganda to Party Faithful Tries to Break Bush's Freefall

Our pal inside the GOP has passed on the latest propaganda from the GOP to its faithful and fatuous followers as the Bush Act starts to fall apart like the stage set in the final scenes from the Marx Brothers "Night at the Opera." The latest memos are a desperate mix of apologia, wishful thinking, whining excuses, and hard sell. Here is the Democrats.com "annotated" version!

Cuban Crisis! Remember 9/11! Hang Judge Cudahy! A Humorous Analysis of This Week's GOP Propaganda Ploys

Here's an alert on the latest doings in the "Bull Pen" (as in Bushit that comes from the pens of rightwing politicians). As the Bush administrations and its wasp's nest of drone-like minions in the GOP begin to feel cornered, they have come out stinging, fighting back with their most creative efforts. Fortunately for us, their most creative efforts are pretty darn sorry, and as transparent as Ari Fleischer's horn-rims. Here's this week's Bull Pen round up, from Cheryl Seal.

BUSHIT! Folksy Sounding 'TownHall.com' Site Is a Trojan Horse Packed with Rabid Rightwing Propaganda

Corporate rightwingers come up with the folksiest sounding titles for their propaganda! Unlike liberals, who identify their sites honestly (Democrats.com says it all), the rightwing hides its agenda in phony packages. So we have "Greening Earth Society," an anti-environmental outfit run by the coal industry; the Heritage Foundation, a slick network of corporate propagandists; the "Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise" which is against every regulation that insures true free enterprise; the Heartland Institute, which has nothing to do with the Heartland and everything to do with protecting corporate interests; and TownHall.com. TownHall rarely touches on community issues, but instead runs a log of international stories with a rightwing spin. Regular TownHall.com columnists include Wm Buckley, Ann Coulter, and Bill O'Reilly (real folksy, huh?). Check out the smorgasbord of shameless propaganda hiding behind the thin folksy curtain on this "down home" page!!

BUSHIT!! Anti-Democrat 'Infomercial' Disguised as an 'Article' Here and in the UK as a 'News Link'

We found this blatant rightwing rant against the Democrats in the UK Guardian where it had been planted by a GOP operative. This bit of propaganda was disguised as a "newslink entitled 'Power Report,'" with the news-scoopy sounding headline 'Sierra Club Dems Versus Energy Security.' But the link, sponsored by Power Marketers Association online is actually a hard-sell pitch for drilling in ANWR written by rabid rightwing propagandist extraordinaire Don Feder. The piece slams both Dems and Arabs (which it calls "lunatics"). It slipped past the foreign news editors no doubt because the number of unsavvy pigeons in the U.S. is getting smaller by the day as the GOP's scams are exposed. Americans have, by a very large majority, rejected the idea of drilling in ANWR. Meanwhile, 75% of voters say they favor stricter conservation strategies. But is conservation mentioned ANYWHERE in this "power report" (make that "corporate power report")? Not one word.

Bushit! GOP Uses Boiler Room Scam to Raise Money - Why Aren't these Greaseballs in Jail?!

Tom Delay pulled in thousands by scamming doctors with a boiler room scheme. Here's the con: telemarketers are hired to call doctors, who are targeted because they have been profiled as having both cash and vulnerable egos. The doctor is told that he/she has been selected for a "special advisory committee" that will put them in a position to influence policy. After flattering the pigeon, the marketer then hits them up for a hefty donation. Now the GOP is using the same scam to target "business leaders" in the community. Business people are called and told they have been named to a special "business advisory committee." Same scam, new pigeons.

Bushit! Rightwingers Launch Campaign to Stuff Libraries with Their 'Approved Environmental Literature'

As the backlash against Bush's environmental policies intensifies, the rightwingers are mobilizing a renewed propaganda assault on the public. Much of the bogus corporate literature on "environmental issues" they have relied on in the past, from "free educational materials" in schools to FOX's outrageous Steve Milloy (junkscience.com), has been discredited and deservedly ridiculed. So now they are trying to force their way in through a new back door: American libraries. The book they are currently pushing is "The Skeptical Environmentalist," written by European statistician Bjorn Lomborg, whose only background in environmental science is a short and probably bogus stint in Greenpeace (in fact, some say he's a paid provocateur).

Bushit! Safire Lies About Democratic Support for Israel

NY Times columnist William Safire has been getting rich by lying for Republicans since his days as a speechwriter Richard Nixon, where he worked alongside Pat Buchanan. Safire's latest lie is a Big Lie: that Democratic leaders are not supporting Israel. Safire said Tom Daschle "blocked a bipartisan resolution by Senators Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein to designate the P.L.O. as a terrorist group." Safire continued, "Joe Biden then refused to allow Bibi Netanyahu to appear before Senate Foreign Relations." This is Bushit, as Mike Tomasky documents in Salon (http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2002/05/03/safire/index.html). In both cases, Daschle and Biden were trying not to undercut active diplomacy by Colin Powell. E-mail safire@nytimes.com and tell him to Cut the Bushit!

Bushit! Republican Chairman Marc Racicot Says Republicans Want to 'Count Every Vote'

At a recently rally at Harlem's Apollo Theater, DNC chair Terry McAuliffe said, "One vote makes a difference. We'll never forget Florida. After so many people died for the right to vote, we're not going to let Republicans take that away." This infuriated the Republicans, who said "McAuliffe absurdly accused Republicans of taking away people's right to vote. RNC Chair Marc Racicot added, Republicans in the House and Senate have stood solidly with the President in support of election reform to ensure every voter counts." That's Bushit! Bush stole the Presidency by stopping the counting of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND uncounted votes. When they were finally counted by the Media Consortium, Gore won. And when Democrats led by Chris Dodd and John Conyers fought for minimal standards for meaningful election reform, Republicans led by Kit Bond and Tom DeLay said "over our dead bodies." E-mail press@rnc.org and tell the Republican Party to Quit the Bushit!

Bushit! CitizensLobby.com Libels Tom Daschle and the Democrats, Accusing them of Blocking Anti-Terrorism Legislation

Citizenslobby.com writes, "As you know, more than six months have passed since the horrific attacks of September 11, and America is on one of the highest states of alert for another terrorist attack. Sadly, as you probably also know, Senator Tom Daschle and his Democrat cohorts continue to block key legislation that would protect us from just such an attack. Over 50 bills passed by the GOP-led House of Representatives, including legislation that would tighten our borders, protect us against bio-terrorism, and prevent foreign terrorists from entering our country, have all been held up by the Daschle Democrats' roadblock in the Senate. Like most Americans, I am fed up with this obstructionism! The ego-driven Daschle is playing politics, with his eyes on the 2002 and 2004 elections, all the while endangering American citizens." This is Bushit! E-mail Scott Lauf, Executive Director lauf@citizenslobby.com

Introducing 'Bushit.us' - Exposing the Radical Right's Secret Lies

The post-KKK radical right got its start in the 1970's, when the new computerized direct mail industry allowed right wingers to disseminate their messages of hate "under the radar." Now that nearly two-thirds of Americans use the Internet, right wing hate mail is following right behind. Of course, the Internet also makes it possible for "normal" Americans to sign up to receive these outrageous mailings. Our new 'Bushit.us' feature will collect the various right wing messages that our members send us. Please forward your favorites to bushit@democrats.com.



