
Cheryl Seal writes: "Anyone who routinely scans multiple sources for news, taking in AFP, BBC, Al Jazeera, the Guardian, US Newswire, and other non-Bush-controlled sources will quickly begin to see the gaping holes in US corporate media coverage. Not only do these holes tend to be uniformly in the interests of G.W. Bush and his campaign, they are systematic: it is rare to find one of the members of the US media cartel breaking ranks and giving prominent coverage (as in not buried on page A22 or C12), to a story suppressed by the others. There are laws against price-fixing - a practice acknowledged by all as fraud. So why aren't there laws against 'news fixing?' It, too, is fraud."'s
MEDIA METER: 10 of the Top Least Reported Stories of the Week

Compiled by Cheryl Seal

Anyone who routinely scans multiple sources for news, taking in AFP, BBC, Al Jazeera, the Guardian, US Newswire, and other non-Bush-controlled sources will quickly begin to see the gaping holes in US corporate media coverage. Not only do these holes tend to be uniformly in the interests of G.W. Bush and his campaign, they are systematic: it is rare to find one of the members of the US media cartel breaking ranks and giving prominent coverage (as in not buried on page A22 or C12), to a story suppressed by the others. There are laws against price-fixing - a practice acknowledged by all as fraud. So why aren't there laws against "news fixing?" It, too, is fraud.

10 of the Most Important Stories the US Media Failed to Report to the American People this Week (August 8-15)

The Colossally Expensive Transport of 3,600 troops from Korea to Iraq

35 Senators Unite to Protest Bush Overturn of Wetland Protections that has resulting in the Draining of Thousands of Acres by Developers

Coalition of Evangelical and Moderate Religious Leaders Condemn Bush Campaign's Misuse of Church Directories

Foreign Fighters Flooding into Iraq are Ex-Patriot Iraqis returning from the West, not Iranians,3604,1280467,00.html

Nearly All of Bush's Recess Appointments were political payoffs

The US Army's attempt to block the showing of Fahrenheit 9/11 at 160 bases

Launch of a major international movement against media corruption

Bush Offers Native Americans 'Home ownership" promise that may be a Trojan Horse and

Bush Administration Slashes Medicare Funding for Wheelchairs

Bush Campaign's use of merchandise made by foreign sweatshop labor

Sampling of Ongoing Stories Suppressed EVERY Week:

The truth about Kerry's Military Service: Media interviews "Swift boat vets" who never served with Kerry, but never a REAL Swift Boat Vet who actually DID!

Halliburton corruption cases and why the Pentagon is still doling out billion-dollar contracts to the company

Cheney's Role in Halliburton fraud - a story systematically killed since 2001 and

The systematic distortion of truth by the RNC, rightwing radio hosts and columnists - including manipulation of audio tapes and

Number of Severe injuries to Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan is steadily climbing - now nearing 7,000

Number of Iraqis being killed in conflict each Month: 500;
Total Number of Iraqis killed in Initial action (March to April 2003: 11,500-13,000
Total number of Iraqis killed since March 2003: 18,000-20,000
Total Number of Iraqis seriously injured: 20,000

One in 43 Americans is Barred from Voting due to Unconstitutional laws

Bush's Cowardly Evasion of Duty during Vietnam War

How Fannie Mae Used dreams of home ownership in get-rich scheme

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