
Bush continues to press for the weakening of air pollution standards under the guise of his criminally irresponsible corporate-dictated "Clear Lies Initiative." Meanwhile, to stall even more in the face of new REAL science, the Bush EPA has announced its plans to spend $30 million for "more research." I.e., $30 million to finance more YEARS of delay. Years of precious time and money lost that could have been spent on implementing existing health-saving technology and enforcing and tightening the existing Clean Air Act regulations. Here are just a few of the studies that have been released in just the past few years on air pollution and health - studies ignored by Bush:

ACTIVIST AMMO: ust a Few of the Studies that Have Already Proven the Link between Air Pollution and Cardiovascular/cardiopulmaonary disease

Expect to hear Bush pontificating in coming days and at the convention about his "ground-breaking" $30 million study of air pollution and heart disease. It's all a complete scam. Tens of millions of dollars have already been spent on GOOD scientific studies of air pollution's impact on health. The findings have consistently been ignored by the Bush administration. The latest study, released in June by the American Heart Association was also ignored. Bush continues to press for the weakening of air pollution standards under the guise of his criminally irresponsible corporate-dictated "Clear Lies Initiative." Meanwhile, to stall even more in the face of new REAL science, the Bush EPA has announced its plans to spend $30 million for "more research." I.e., $30 million to finance more YEARS of delay. Years of precious time and money lost that could have been spent on implementing existing health-saving technology and enforcing and tightening the existing Clean Air Act regulations.

Here are just a few of the studies and findings that have been released in just the past few years on air pollution and health - studies ignored by Bush:

The Role of Air Pollutants in Cardiovascular Disease (2003)

New Study Links Air Pollution to Cardiovascular Disease

Death Disease and Dirty Power:

Minutes Of The National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council Sept 9-10 2002

Long-term Epidemiological Studies Are Validated in Independent Reanalysis

Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality, and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution

American Lung Association of California Testimony Before the Air Resources Board, June 20, 2002

Dying Needlessly:Sickness and Death Due to Energy-Related Air Pollution

Air Pollution: Bad for your Heart

Air of Injustice: African Americans and Power Plant Pollution

For a good overview of Bush's Clear Lies Initiative, see: CLEAR LIES I, II and III:

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